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Kim LeRoy took over as OCTA grievance chair in 2018. Kim has worked for the OCSD for over a decade. Kim is currently the building librarian at  Minetto Elementary where she also serves as building president. Of unions, Kim says she is proud to help teachers gain a voice.
Jessica Burridge has been a member of the OCSD for 13 years, the last ten as a 5th grade teacher at KPS. She is excited to take on the challenge of Negotiations Chair and is committed to working to do what’s best for the members of OCTA.
Jenn Cahill has been a part of your OCTA leadership for 15 years now, serving as leader of political action and external public relations. Mrs. Cahill says that the Oswego students are her first love, but that she also enjoys working with teachers.
OCTA treasurer Mike Patane brings his 19 years of math teaching experience and his love of numbers to your Board of Directors. Mike has been actively involved with your union for 14 years now. His numeric prowess is unmatched. Mike teaches 8th graders at the Oswego Middle School.
Michelle McManus took over as OCTA secretary in 2016. She is in her 21st year teaching at Leighton elementary. She has been a building rep for many years and is excited to take on a larger role within the union.
Click below for most recent Board of Education agenda:

Below is the link to the BOE site. All agendas and BOE minutes are posted there for you to read at your leisure. When it gets close to the time when there is a BOE meeting, you can go to the site to see the agenda.